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U.S. travel ban extends to UK, Ireland

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump announced Saturday that the United States will broaden its European travel ban, adding Britain and Ireland to its list, and was considering imposing restr...

Sanders wins top prize, California; Biden surges nationwide

WASHINGTON – Bernie Sanders seized Super Tuesday’s biggest prize with a victory in California, while a resurgent Joe Biden scored wins across the country with the backing of a diverse coalit...

How presidential candidates differ on health care, cost of college education

Front-runners explain how they plan to pay for proposals

Sanders, Buttigieg draw hundreds concerned about rural health care

Candidates make appearances in South Carolina ahead of primary

Taking a look at what didn’t happen this week

In this week’s roundup of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week, we focus on false and misleading reports spreading online around the new coronavirus outbrea...

In wake of Milwaukee shooting, Democratic presidential candidates talk gun laws

Klobuchar, Warren push universal background checks, getting assault rifles ‘off the street’

Taking a look at what didn’t happen this week

A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Pres...

Senate rejects witnesses in Trump trial, ensuring acquittal

WASHINGTON – The Senate narrowly rejected Democratic demands to summon witnesses for President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial late Friday, all but ensuring Trump’s acquittal in just the th...

‘Bogus’ Ukraine theory led to Trump’s abuse, Dems tell trial

‘Bogus’ Ukraine theory led to abuse of power, they say

Republicans reject subpoenas as impeachment debate goes on

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate plunged into President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial on Tuesday with Republicans abruptly abandoning plans to cram opening arguments into two late-night sess...

New Mexico Legislature considers tuition-free college, legalizing pot

SANTA FE – Efforts are underway to legalize and tax recreational marijuana sales, fund tuition-free college and shore up pensions for state and local government workers as the New Mexico Leg...

Taking a look at what didn’t happen this week

A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these is legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press...
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